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Medicare enrollment, Narcan

This month’s post is about a product that is available to the public that is saving lives daily.  Also, read about how we can help you with enrolling and re-enrolling in Medicare Part D.

Narcan Nasal Spray logo
Most of us know about, or worse, have been affected by, the opioid epidemic.  While prescription drugs do wonderful things to help people and their quality of life, there is a more difficult side that is a matter we have no intention of skirting.

Hopefully, you never happen upon someone who is in the middle of a drug overdose; but read on and if you do, you will potentially be able to save a life.

Naloxone, or Narcan, is a life-saving medication that can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose.  It can be injected intramuscularly or delivered by intranasal spray, and what’s more valuable is that it can be administered by medical professionals and family, friends, or bystanders in an emergency where someone is experiencing an overdose.

Some signs of overdoes are:
Unable to be awakened
Unable to speak
Breathing or heartbeat slows or stops
Pale face
Limp body

In Arkansas, there is a standing prescription from the Secretary of Health, Dr. Nate Smith, that allows Arkansans to request Narcan without a direct prescription from a doctor.  A CDC* study found that there is only one naxolone prescription for every 69 high-dose opioid prescriptions in the United States.  Naloxone has no potential for abuse, making it safe to have with you at all times.

For more information, talk to your pharmacist about getting a Narcan dose for yourself and your family.  Your pharmacist can walk you through how to administer the dose, and you can keep it in your purse, workplace, or at home.  We at The Pharmacy at Wellington dispense the nasal spray dose that is very easy to use.  We never know when this valuable prescription could save the life of someone we know.  In this case, we stand by the old adage – the best offense is a good defense.

For more information about Narcan and how the state is involved, download the Narcansas app from the Apple App Store or Google Play, or visit

* Center for Disease Control

Medicare logo

Most Americans enroll in Medicare at age 65 and re-enroll every October thereafter.  This year, enrollment for most patients starts on Tuesday, October 15 and runs through to December 7.  

During this period, you can join or switch plans, including for Medicare Part D, which covers prescription drugs.  Whether you decide to go with Original Medicare or Medicare Advantage, you can determine which Part D drug plan is most suited for you by using the Medicare Plan Finder tool at: 

Alternatively, drop by and we can run comparables for you or your loved one, based on the current medications, so that a more informed choice can be made.

**NEW**  If you have been on Medicare, you should have received your new Medicare card without your Social Security number.  Its purpose is to offer better identity protection.   Call or drop by to let us know your new Medicare Beneficiary Identifier so that we can update it in our system.

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